
Tuesday, December 8, 2020

Last and final 25 Days of Christmas Tags post


25 Days of Christmas Tags 2020 has been full of tag inspiration from start to finish.
Tracey McNeely does a wonderful job of joining stamp companies and card/tag
makers, and allowing all of us to have a grand time while enjoying the fun!
I determined to post all 25 days, and did, even created these cuties for the bonus day.
So here goes... Kim Higgins has one more prize for all of us steadfast tag makers,

...this beautiful handmade bag!

Hope all is well on your end, celebrating the season of joy with all those
I love, with mask and plenty of hand sanitizer!


  1. Congratulations on one of the days wins for the Tag challenge Nancy! I admired these tags on Instagram when you posted them, they are even better on a big screen! *wink

    1. Thanks, Colleen! I now have a stack of tags ready to grace presents! Success!

  2. Beautiful tags, Nancy and congrats on your win. I want to thank you for the gorgeous gold and red, poinsettia card that you sent to me. So beautiful. Merry Christmas, my friend.


So happy you came for a visit. I love reading your comments!